100pcs histology microscope prepared slides

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ADD:Building 1, No. 999 High-Tech East Road, District High-Tech, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, China

1 Simple squamous Epithelium sec.

2 Simple Cuboidal Epithelium sec.

3 Simple Columna Epithelium sec

4 Columna Pseudo strtified cillated epithelium

5 Stratified squamous Epithelium sec

6 Transitinl Epethelium sec

7 Ciliated Epithelium

8 Epidermis from human mouth

9 Glandular Epithelium sec

10 Loose Connective Tissue w.m

11 Dense Connective Tissue w.m

12 Adipose Tissues sec.

13 Hyaline Cartilage sec.

14 Elastic Cartilage sec.

15 Fibro Cartilage sec.

16 Human Chromosome Nonmal Female w.m

17 Human Chromosome Nonmal Male w.m

18 Medulla oblongata sec

19 Red marrow smear

20 Smooth Muscle Teased Preparation w.m

21 Blood smear

22 Hair  whole mount

23 Smooth Muscle l.s and c.s

24 Skeletal Muscle l.s and c.s

25 Cardiac Muscle sec

26 Spinal Card l.s and c.s

27 Sciatic nerve l.s.

28 Motor neuron w.m

29 Motor Nerve Endings w.m

30 Tongue l.s. show filiform papilla

31 Esophagus sec.

32 Trachea sec.

33 Stomach sec.

34 Stomach fundic portion sec.

35 Stomach Cardiac Region sec.

36 Stomach Pyloric Region sec.

37 Small Intestine c.s

38 Duodenum sec.

39 Jejunum sec.

40 Ileum c.s. show villi and goblet cells

41 Appendix sec.

42 Large Intestine sec.

43 Colon sec.

44 Rectum sec.

45 Pancreas sec.

46 Spleen sec

47 Liver sec

48 Gall Bladder sec

49 Fat layer

50 Fibroblast

51 Nerve cells

52 Brochiolus

53 Lung sec

54 Artery sec

55 Vein sec

56 Large artery sec

57 Large vein sec

58 Heart l.s.whole

59 Kidney l.s

60 Kidney with Blood Vessel Injected sec.

61 Ureter sec.

62 Ovary  sec.

63 Placenta Human sec.

64 Human Sperms smear

65 Epididymis sec

66 Prostate Gland Human sec.

67 Fallopian Tube sec

68 Penis c.s

69 Cervix sec

70 Thyroid Gland sec

71 Thymus Gland sec

72 Mammary gland sec

73 Adrenal Gland sec

74 Lymph Node sec

75 Salivary gland c.s.

76 Cerebrum sec

77 Cerebellum sec

78 Pituitary gland c.s.

79 Tendon teased c.s.

80 eye entail sec

81 Eyeball sec

82 Human Skin sec show Thick Cornifie Layer

83 Human Skin Sec Through sweat Gland

84 Human Skin Sec Through Hair Folicle

85 White fibrous tissue

86 Mucous tissue ,umbilical cord

87 Decalcified bone c.s.

88 Infant developing bone section

89 Developing membrane bone

90 muscle-tendon junction l.s.

91 muscle spindle

92 Nerve bundle

93 sympathetic ganglion

94 motor cortex section

95 sentor cortex

96 cerebellar cortex

97 Palatine tonsil

98 thin skin from human palm section

99 finger nail section

100 stomach -duodenal junction l.s.


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