Plastic microscope prepared slides colorful boxes

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ADD:Building 1, No. 999 High-Tech East Road, District High-Tech, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, China

SET NO .1 : Prepared Slide

This group focus on the VEGETABLE research, consist of plant leaf, stem , root and pollen, epidermis.which is a culture of vegetarianism. 

VIC-V01 Potato starch

VIC-V02 Sponge gourd stem

VIC-V03 Lotue root

VIC-V04 Pumpkin ovary

VIC-V05 Cucumber ovary

VIC-V06 Onion Epidermis

VIC-V07 Ginger root

VIC-V08 Celery leaf

VIC-V09 Burdock root

VIC-V10 Cabbage leaf

VIC-V11 Carrot root

VIC-V12 Corn stem


SET NO.2 :  Prepared Slide

This group focus on the plant research, consist of plant leaf, stem , fluff and pollen.

VIC-P01 Laver

VIC-P02 Sunflower pollen

VIC-P03 Agar

VIC-P04 Bamboo cane

VIC-P05 Phlox leaf

VIC-P06 Dandelion Fuzz

VIC-P07 Carnntion stem

VIC-P08 Lily pollen

VIC-P09 Camellia pollen

VIC-P10 Tulip pollen

VIC-P11 Veins of Holly Leaf

VIC-P12 Pine tree stem

SET NO.3 :  Prepared Slide

This group focus on the Insect research, consist of 4 kinds of insects, wing,leg, and antenna.

VIC-I01 ButterFly Wing

VIC-I02 ButterFly Leg

VIC-I03 ButterFly Antenna

VIC-I04 Locust Wing

VIC-I05 Locust Leg

VIC-I06 Locust Antenna

VIC-I07 HoneyBee Wing

VIC-I08 HoneyBee Leg

VIC-I09 HoneyBee Antenna

VIC-I10 DragonFly Wing

VIC-I11 DragonFly Leg

VIC-I12 DragonFly Abdomen

SET NO.4: Prepared slides

This is a mixed set, which consist of plant, animal, show the hairs or feather comparasion.

VIC-M01 Plankton egg

VIC-M02 Cat Hair

VIC-M03 Rabbit Hair

VIC-M04 Sheep Hair

VIC-M05 Cow Hair

VIC-M06 Duck Feather

VIC-M07 Canary Feather

VIC-M08 Horse Hair

VIC-M09 Pigeon Feather

VIC-M10 Fowl Feather

VIC-M11 Sardine Scale

VIC-M12 Goldfish Scale


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